8 Hacks for effective Dog Massage for Hip Dysplasia

Say goodbye to limps and hello to leaps: An ultimate guide for Dog massage for hip dysplasia is here!

When dogs get old, things can start to break down. Joints become loose or develop arthritis. This is particularly true of the hips!

Dogs with hip dysplasia often have their legs drag when they walk. They may also suffer from back pain due to the mobility of the joints. Unfortunately, these symptoms usually get worse as your dog gets older. But we love you care for your dog no matter what!

“The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too.” – Samuel Butler

Fortunately, there are some simple ways you can help your dog avoid needing major surgery to fix her hips. One of the most effective non-invasive treatments is massage.

Dog massages work to reduce stress and relax muscles. For dogs with hip dysplasia, this can improve muscle relaxation and stability in the joint. If done right, it can even strengthen the bones slightly!

We will discuss hip dysplasia in dogs, its symptoms, diagnosis, and step-by-step guide for dog massage for hip dysplasia. But let’s first try to understand the basics.

What is hip dysplasia in dogs?

Hip dysplasia is a common condition in dogs that occurs when the hip joint is malformed or poorly developed. This can cause the ball and socket joint to become loose or unstable, leading to pain, stiffness, and impaired mobility. Hip dysplasia is often hereditary, and it is more common in certain breeds such as retrievers, German shepherds, and Rottweilers.

 Dog Massage for Hip Dysplasia

  • Prevalence: Hip dysplasia is a common condition in dogs, and it is estimated to affect up to 20% of certain breeds such as retrievers, German shepherds, and Rottweilers.
  • Age: Hip dysplasia is typically diagnosed in dogs between the ages of 4 months and 1 year, but it can occur at any age.
  • Severity: Hip dysplasia is classified into four grades, ranging from mild (grade I) to severe (grade IV). The severity of the condition can affect the treatment options available and the prognosis for the dog

Symptoms of Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

  • Limping or reluctance to walk or run
  • Difficulty rising or climbing stairs
  • Swelling or warmth in the hip area
  • Reduced range of motion in the hip joint
  • Lameness in one or both hind legs

How to diagnose hip dysplasia in dogs?

Hip dysplasia can be diagnosed through physical examination and imaging tests such as x-rays. Treatment options may include medications, physical therapy, and surgery, dog massage for hip dysplasia and the appropriate treatment will depend on the severity of the condition and the individual dog. It’s important to work with a veterinarian to determine the best course of treatment for your pet.

Good reasons to try dog massage for hip dysplasia

  • First, it is totally doable at home. Even if you’re not very experienced with animal care, almost anyone can give a short gentle dog massage for hip dysplasia.
  • Second, most dogs enjoy being touched and will respond positively to massages. Some love getting petted and rubbed all over! For those dogs that don’t like being touched, trying a shorter session first is better than no treatment at all.
  • Third, many owners find dog massage for hip dysplasia helps ease tension and depression. It can be a nice way to spend time together, especially if one of you needs a mental break.

Step-by-Step Guide for Dog Massage for Hip Dysplasia

01). Prepare the area the massage is being done in

Before giving your dog massage for hip dysplasia, you must make sure the area is clean and free of any allergens or oils.

Certain skin and tissue conditions such as dry eye syndrome, rosacea, dermatitis, and eczema can be aggravated by the body’s natural oil production. These symptoms are made worse by treatments that include rubbing or washing with products containing alcohol, dishwashing liquid, or other chemicals.

Since dogs have special protective layers of fat around their joints, they are more prone to developing allergies or rashes from external agents. If your dog has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia, then it is important to be aware of potential irritants so that you do not accidentally aggravate his condition.

Dry skin also makes it harder to give your dog a good dog massage for hip dysplasia.

02). Find the right massage stroke to use

A major part of dog massages is determining what kind of strokes are needed and which ones you should do depending on the situation. There are several types of massages that can be done, but only one really helps with hip dysplasia!

The most important thing about any dog massage for hip dysplasia type is knowing how to apply pressure. If you aren’t sure whether your hands are putting enough pressure where it needs to go, then you shouldn’t perform this massage on the animal.

By now, you have probably noticed that many dogs with hip dysplasia suffer from muscle spasms or tightness in their legs. This is because they get stressed out due to the pain and discomfort they feel when walking or jumping. By doing some gentle relaxing massage, your furry friend will be more relaxed and comfortable, hopefully reducing stress as well.

A good way to begin practicing canine dog massage for hip dysplasia is by choosing an easy place to start. Start at the back feet and work your way up. Most people start working the paws first, but those puppies who constantly need grooming may not like being touched there.

Once you have worked both front and back feet, move onto the next step: rubbing the muscles all over. Many people begin with the thigh area, but these animals may have sensitive skin so make sure to check for reactions before moving on.

03). Use the correct pressure

When doing dog massage, making sure you have the right amount of pressure can make a big difference! Too much pressure can hurt your pet, while not enough may not work well.

When performing hip dysplasia massage, never push with too much force. Only use very light pressure to avoid cracking the pelvis or hurting the femur!

Too heavy pressure can also cause muscle imbalance, which can result in abnormal growth or collapse of the joint. This is why it is important to only press down firmly where needed!

Pressure should be just soft enough so that you feel the muscles under the skin relax slightly. If there is no change in tension when lifting up the leg, then your pressure is probably too strong.

Remember, dog massage for hip dysplasia takes time so there is no need to rush the pressure! Take your time and experiment with different levels until you find one that works for your animal.

04). Focus on your dog’s mental health

While professional dog massage for hip dysplasia is great to strengthen your dogs body, there are some things that can be done at home via self-massage or hand-massaging.

Something that many people do not realize when giving dog massage for hip dysplasia to their pets is the importance of mental wellness.

Dog massage for hip dysplasia has been shown to reduce stress in humans, and since dogs are naturally stressed out due to changes in their environment and life experiences, it makes sense to add relaxation to their daily routine.

A number of resources exist online where you can learn how to give your pet a massage! Some of these tips include rubbing paws, stroking the fur, rolling around, and even using towels as blankets.

Overall, adding more touch to your pet’s day can help promote calmness and tranquility.

05). Helps reduce anxiety

If you are looking to help your dog feel more relaxed, try giving them a massage! This can be done using their body position or hands only.

Both of these types of dog massage for hip dysplasia require you to apply gentle pressure onto specific areas of the body. For both of these massage styles, you will need to identify if your dog has symptoms of hip dysplasia.

If they do, then it is advised to perform the massage at this stage as it may make things worse for the dog. Only apply light pressure during the dog massage for hip dysplasia however, we recommend starting with our easy massage tips first before moving onto the harder techniques.

This article contains some basic steps that have been designed to help relax your canine companion.

06). Can help your dog lose weight

When dogs are bred with longer legs, they tend to retain more body fat than shorter bodied breeds. This is why large breed dogs often look heavier and flabbier than smaller ones!

Dog massage for hip dysplasia can be an excellent way to reduce this excess body fat.

07). Helps improve their skin health

When dogs get old, their skin can become dry and it may not function properly to protect them from external factors. This is particularly true of thin coats like those found in certain breeds such as French Bulldogs!

Dog massage for hip dysplasia helps promote healthy skin by keeping your dog’s coat moist. If your dog has hip dysplasia, you can do these exercises to help prevent hair loss and also improve their skin health. Both effects are very visible so if your dog seems a little thinner or older looking, this information will be helpful to you.

Step 1- Legs/Knees

Start with both legs up and relaxed.

Maintaining knee height, work one leg at a time down towards the ground. As you push down on the thigh, use your hand to gently massages the muscles and tissue under the bone. Repeat this ten times per leg.

Reminder: Make sure to only apply pressure where there is no friction! For example, if you feel muscle, but nothing else, then your body is still contracting effectively.

Step 2 – Hips

After completing the thighs, move onto the hips. To do this, lower the pelvis area off the bed. Use your hands to press into the muscles here as well. Repeat this ten times per side.

Remember that just like with the knees, make sure to only apply gentle pressure and none of your bodies tissues have enough contact with the surface to keep themselves warm.

08). Less pain and stiffness

When your dog has hip dysplasia, he may develop tight muscles due to his constant stress on the joints. This can result in chronic joint pain and even inflammation of the affected area.

Dog massage for hip dysplasia helps reduce muscle tension that can cause this. It also helps promote blood flow, which aids in healing and relaxation of the tissues.

Massaging the hips is one of the best ways to do it. You can use your hands or a tool like a rolling pin. Use light pressure and focus only on relaxing the muscles!

Some dogs with hip dysplasia are more sensitive than others. If your dog seems tense or is experiencing more pain after a session, try doing less pressured massages until they feel relaxed again.


How to prevent dog hip dysplasia

There are several steps that you can take to help prevent hip dysplasia in your dog:

  1. Choose a responsible breeder: Hip dysplasia is often hereditary, so it’s important to choose a reputable breeder who health tests their breeding dogs for hip dysplasia and other inherited conditions.
  2. Provide proper nutrition: A healthy diet and proper weight management can help prevent hip dysplasia and other musculoskeletal problems in dogs.
  3. Avoid over-exercising young puppies: While exercise is important for your dog’s overall health, it’s important to avoid over-exercising young puppies, as their bones and joints are still developing.
  4. Use a crate or carrier when traveling: When traveling with your dog, it’s important to use a crate or carrier to prevent them from jumping out of the car or being injured in an accident.
  5. Keep your dog at a healthy weight: Excess weight can put additional strain on your dog’s joints and increase the risk of hip dysplasia and other musculoskeletal problems.

How long can a dog live with hip dysplasia

The lifespan of a dog with hip dysplasia will depend on the severity of the condition, the age at which it is diagnosed, and the treatment options that are pursued. In general, the prognosis for dogs with hip dysplasia is better for those that receive early and appropriate treatment.

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, dogs with mild to moderate hip dysplasia (grades I-II) had a median lifespan of 12 years, while those with severe hip dysplasia (grades III-IV) had a median lifespan of 6 years. However, it’s important to note that these statistics may not apply to every individual dog, and the actual lifespan of a dog with hip dysplasia may be shorter or longer depending on the specific circumstances.


There is limited scientific research on the effectiveness of dog massage for hip dysplasia. However, some veterinarians and pet owners believe that massage can help to improve circulation, reduce muscle tension, and alleviate pain in dogs with hip dysplasia. It is important to consult with a veterinarian or a trained animal massage therapist before attempting to massage a dog with hip dysplasia, as massage can potentially worsen the condition if performed improperly. It is also important to note that dog massage for hip dysplasia should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment prescribed by a veterinarian. If you are considering using massage as a complementary therapy for a dog with hip dysplasia, it is best to discuss this with your veterinarian and a trained animal massage therapist to determine if it is appropriate for your dog and to receive guidance on how to safely and effectively perform the massage.

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